former head of the Photo Department
at the Hungarian News Agency
I thought a lot about which picture would be appropriate for the page about me, until I decided on the one that I love the most, which I took myself at the birth of my daughter.
I started my career as a photojournalist at the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) and continued at the political magazine Köztársaság (Republic), so I was able to learn the ins and outs of the profession from the best photographers. I spent a semester at the University of Missouri on a Reuters scholarship and did internships at the Reuters news agencies in London and Washington.
I then worked as a picture editor for the Manager Magazine, then for the Sanoma Publishing. Later I took an active role in the launching of the Story Online. Afterward, I returned to my first job at the MTI, where I was the head of the Photo Department for 10 years.
I have won numerous awards in press photography competitions.
I majored in Communication and Media Studies at the King Sigismund College (Milton Friedman University) in Budapest, where I also taught press photography.
I am currently the marketing communications manager of the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble.